terra talks

Discover, connect, conserve!

Conservation tales from the wild

Join experts for conservation insights

Where the wonders of nature come to life through enlightening conversations led by dedicated experts. Dive into the world of wildlife conservation with Ilora Retreats’ Ranger Assist Programs. Here, you’ll get the chance to chat with our experts about exciting projects like the Cheetah Project and Predator Project. They’ll share stories and insights on how they’re working to protect these incredible animals.

But it’s not just about listening – you can roll up your sleeves and get involved too! Join rangers in tracking animals, learning about their habitats, and discovering how you can help. Your support can go towards vital infrastructure, providing fuel for patrol vehicles, or even unique initiatives like the Raptors Project, which focuses on different species of bats and eagles.

Additionally, we also contribute to broader projects like building bridges and roads, benefiting not just wildlife but the entire community. At Ilora Retreats, you’re not just a guest – you’re a part of the conservation effort, making a lasting impact on the amazing wildlife of the Maasai Mara and beyond.

Discover Conservation Projects

Through this program, you’ll get an insider’s view of two major conservation initiatives

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Mara Predator Conservation Programme (MPCP)

The Mara Predator Conservation Programme (MPCP), led by the Kenya Wildlife Trust, is a comprehensive, long-term initiative dedicated to safeguarding predator populations across the Mara landscape. The program focuses on researching lion and cheetah populations, studying their spatial ecology through collaring, and addressing threats to their survival. Additionally, MPCP works to provide data-driven recommendations for policy and management while engaging the community in predator conservation. Learn more about this project here: https://www.marapredatorconservation.org/

Mara-Meru Cheetah Project

The Mara-Meru Cheetah Project, spearheaded by Dr. Elena V. Chelysheva, is dedicated to the survival of cheetahs and their habitats through integrated scientific research and community outreach. This project involves monitoring cheetah populations, conducting behavioral observations, and leading educational workshops for local communities. It also works to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts and promotes cheetah conservation through collaborative efforts with various stakeholders. Learn more about this project here: www.marameru.org

Join us to make a meaningful impact and deepen your connection with the natural world through the Ranger Assist Program.

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